Weizmann in Australia

March 6, 2017

The Garvan-Weizmann Partnership

It started with a couple of scientists working halfway around the world from each other. Professor Peter Croucher at the Garvan Institute was working to understand why, even after a...

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November 2, 2016

Destination Weizmann

Some may think that a serious, scientific institute is not a fun place to take your kids when on holiday, but according to Sydney’s Ian Perlman, Israel’s Weizmann Institute of...

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November 2, 2016

Sam Lees wins science prize

An 18 year old aspiring doctor from Moriah College has won Weizmann Australia’s prize for Excellence, Commitment and Curiosity in Science. Sam Lees said he was thrilled, but very surprised,...

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September 10, 2016

Weizmann’s Professor Ido Amit visits Garvan

It was the first time for Weizmann’s Professor Ido Amit to visit the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney, where he met senior staff to discuss the recently announced...

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September 5, 2016

Summer school an ‘incredible opportunity’ say students

Recently  we announced that ANU students Cherry Zheng and Matthew Goh had won the Trawalla Foundation–Weizmann Australia scholarship to attend the 2016 Weizmann Institute of Science International Summer Science Institute (ISSI)...

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July 4, 2016

Weizmann global gathering inspires

Every two years the Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS) gathers together its key international supporters to celebrate the Institute’s achievements and mark its global scientific impact to the benefit of...

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June 22, 2016

2016 ISSI scholarship recipients

Two excellent candidates have won the recent Trawalla Foundation–Weizmann Australia scholarship to attend the 2016 Weizmann Institute of Science International Summer Science Institute (ISSI) in Israel.  They are high school...

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June 5, 2016

It’s a Molecular Secret Message

A molecular invisible ink is now available. Called a molecular-scale messaging sensor (m-SMS), this is part of a secure, chemically based system designed to transmit and reveal secret messages. Created by...

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June 5, 2016

Not Knowing You’re Learning

At some point in our lives we have all had to consciously use our brains to learn at school, university and work – dreaming of how great it would be...

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June 5, 2016

Stressing Material Exchange

How does stress, which can cause our bodies to divert resources from non-essential functions, affect the basic exchange of materials that underlie our everyday life? Weizmann Institute of Science researchers...

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May 10, 2016

Weizmann Born Prostate Cancer Therapy in Advanced Trials

A new prostate cancer drug called Tookad®, which is currently approved in Mexico for early–stage treatment, is now undergoing advanced trials in Israel and Europe, with European approval hoped for...

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April 12, 2016

Weizmann and Garvan expertise unite in new research centre

Two world-class research facilities – the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel and the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Australia – will unite to establish a new centre based in Sydney. The...

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March 1, 2016

A week of discovery

In November, Weizmann Australia organised a special ‘week of discovery’ in Israel for a group of Australian women, focusing on innovations in arts and science.  The week included vivid experiences...

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February 25, 2016

Understanding Pancreatic Cell Biology: A Key Step Towards Improved Therapy for Diabetes

The body’s ability to turn certain genes on and off in specific cells at a precise point in time is essential to maintaining health.   This fine control in regulating...

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February 15, 2016

A Myth Busted: Bacteria and Human Cells are Balanced

For some time, the scientific world believed we had 10 times more bacteria and microbes in our bodies than human cells.  But new Weizmann research, recently published in the Journal...

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February 11, 2016

Understanding Drug Resistance to Improve Treatment of Infectious Disease

Infectious disease treatments can be hugely impeded if the targeted microorganisms in the body resist important drugs like antibiotics, causing serious threat to human health.  Over the past two years,...

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February 8, 2016

Epilepsy Gene Studies Open New Research Paths

Following the recent discovery of an epilepsy gene called HNRNPU from a study of 500 children and adults with severe epilepsies, a joint University of Melbourne and Weizmann Institute of...

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February 5, 2016

New Techniques to ‘See’ Changes in Protein Behaviour

Proteins are the molecular machines that make living things function. Understanding, measuring and visualising their structural changes as they perform biological functions are therefore imperative.  However to see such changes,...

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September 8, 2015

Making Connections Cancer Research Symposium

Please click here to read more about our upcoming symposium, featuring 10 visiting Weizmann Institute scientists presenting together with their Australasian colleagues.

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August 18, 2015

Ant Teamwork Explained

When observing ants in a group it is easy to see that they work as a team, but how they work has always been a question. Now new research from...

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