Unclogging the Immune System
Weizmann Institute researchers have revealed how aging cells evade our immune systems and propose developing an innovative treatment for age-related diseases and chronic inflammation. Whenever a sink overflows, the flooding...
Mouths Wide Shut: How Cellular Cleaning Out Is Kept in Check
Weizmann Institute of Science Research has discovered that autophagic organelles actively restrict the size of their mouths – but what does that signify? Autophagy literally means ‘self-eating’ and is a...
AI Flexes Its Muscles
Life sciences have never been more digital. To learn more about life processes, biologists are collecting massive quantities of data that computer scientists analyse by means of sophisticated computational models...
Cells and the City
Tracing the evolution of protein maintenance in cellular ‘boroughs’, students of the Weizmann Institute’s Professor Dan Tawfik’s have now published their study following his untimely death. When we contemplate the...
A New Approach to Tailoring Cancer Therapy: Tapping into Signalling Activities in Cancer Cells
Choosing the right drug for each cancer patient is key to successful treatment, but currently physicians have few reliable pointers to guide them in designing treatment protocols. Researchers at the...
Artificial Cells Produce Parts of Viruses for Safe Studies
A group at the Weizmann Institute of Science has demonstrated the production of protein assembly lines on a silicon chip. Scientists searching for better diagnostic tests, drugs or vaccines against...
RNA ‘Specialists’ Activate Nerve Regeneration
Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science have identified a genetic ‘switch’ that is only active when nerves are injured – recently reported in Molecular Cell. Genes that encode proteins...
The Dark Side of the Bone
The discovery of stem cell light and darkness cycles may advance bone marrow transplantation according to new research. Bone marrow replenishes the blood daily with billions of short-lived mature cells,...
Looking in Cellular Trash Cans for Answers
A novel technology developed by the Weizmann Institute of Science for profiling protein turnover and degradation is offering new insight into diagnosis and understanding the molecular basis of autoimmunity, cancer,...
The Giving Tree of Life
A new tool developed by Weizmann Institute of Science researchers for mapping cells reveals how complex regulatory systems evolved to help diverse cell types cooperate. The first multi-celled organisms began...

Two great research institutes join forces – Garvan-Weizmann Centre for Cellular Genomics officially opened
The Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney, and Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, have now officially opened the Garvan-Weizmann Centre for Cellular Genomics – where the genetic makeup of…
New Method – CoChIP- is Deciphering ‘Epigenic Tags’ that Determine Cellular Fate
Weizmann Institute scientists have developed a new method for deciphering ‘epigenetic tags’ which are coded instructions that determine cellular fate. Recently reported in Nature Biotechnology, the method is unlocking the secrets...
A Myth Busted: Bacteria and Human Cells are Balanced
For some time, the scientific world believed we had 10 times more bacteria and microbes in our bodies than human cells. But new Weizmann research, recently published in the Journal...