Virtually Visit the Weizmann Institute of Science

May 30, 2020

A new video series from the Weizmann Institute of Science’s Levinson Visitor’s Center is being produced where Weizmann Institute scientists and employees speak of their favorite spots and hidden gems on campus.


More Research

Fish under the Influence Reveal How Psychedelics Work

A Weizmann Institute method for tracking the effects of drugs on zebrafish may help develop improved therapies for depression and other mood-related disorders. Psychedelics are a hot topic in labs…

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Social Hierarchy: Even for Mice, It’s Complicated

New research from the Weizmann Insitute of Science shows that by studying wild mice in near-natural conditions, different strategies used by females and males in forming social hierarchies were revealed….

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A Hundred Million Suns: The Most Complete Portrait of a Supernova

Humankind has long turned to the skies in search of answers. Accounts of supernovae – exploding stars – go back thousands of years, but while we know today that these…

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Fungus vs. Fungus: Newly Identified Yeast Might Prevent Life-Threatening Fungal Infections

Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science have identified a yeast that might be used to prevent invasive candidiasis, a major cause of death in hospitalised and immunocompromised patients. The…

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