January 9, 2021
A Brain Mechanism Underlying ‘Vision’ in the Blind Revealed
Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science have observed slow spontaneous fluctuations in the brain’s visual centres preceding visual hallucinations in blind people. Some people lose their eyesight, but continue...
October 24, 2020
Creativity Emerges from Spontaneous Neural Activity
Nicola Tesla thought up his alternating current induction motor while walking, Margaret Atwood comes up with ideas while bird-watching, and Archimedes was famously inspired to formulate the laws of buoyancy...
November 2, 2019
Converging Solutions: Artificial Networks Shed Light on Human Face Recognition
Our brains are so primed to recognise faces to tell people apart we rarely stop to think about it. But what happens in the brain when it engages in such...