
April 6, 2024

Social Hierarchy: Even for Mice, It’s Complicated

New research from the Weizmann Insitute of Science shows that by studying wild mice in near-natural conditions, different strategies used by females and males in forming social hierarchies were revealed....

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August 2, 2023

Gaining Weight? You Have a Bone to Pick with Calcium

Weizmann Institute scientists have discovered a gene that may cause weight gain in older people, regardless of their diet. When diets fail, people often blame their genes. Now scientists lend...

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August 3, 2020

Pregnant Women’s viral Immune Response could Affect Foetal Brain Cells

A new study in mice at the Weizmann Institute of Science show that the mother’s natural anti-viral proteins disrupted the development of neural circuits in the foetus. Findings emerging from...

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June 17, 2020

What Does the ‘Love Hormone’ Do? It’s Complicated

A new Weizmann Institute of Science study of mice in a semi-natural setting shows how the hormone oxytocin can amplify aggression as well as friendliness. During the pandemic lockdown, as...

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November 15, 2019

Measuring Animal Personality – it’s a First!

A new study on mice, recently published in Nature Neuroscience, shows animal research may need to take into account the connection between genes, behaviour and personality. We may refer to...

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January 10, 2019

The Immune System’s Fountain of Youth

If only we could keep our bodies young, healthy and energetic, even as we attain the wisdom of our years. But now new research at the Weizmann Institute of Science...

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