‘Re-educating’ Cancer Cells Could Reverse Malignancy
It doesn’t often happen that army generals switch sides in the middle of a war, but when cancer’s attack is underway, it may even cause a gene that acts as...
Genomic Recycling: Ancestral Genes Take On New Roles
We often hear about the multitude of genes we have in common with chimps, birds or other living creatures, but such comparisons are sometimes misleading. The shared percentage usually refers...
P53 Gene Expands its Reach
Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science have found a whole new role for one of the most famous proteins in cancer research – p53. If any gene has a...
6,500 Genes Expressed Differently in Men and Women
Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science have found that genes mostly active in one sex or the other, may play a crucial role in our evolution and health, uncovering...
New Method – CoChIP- is Deciphering ‘Epigenic Tags’ that Determine Cellular Fate
Weizmann Institute scientists have developed a new method for deciphering ‘epigenetic tags’ which are coded instructions that determine cellular fate. Recently reported in Nature Biotechnology, the method is unlocking the secrets...