A Hundred Million Suns: The Most Complete Portrait of a Supernova
Humankind has long turned to the skies in search of answers. Accounts of supernovae – exploding stars – go back thousands of years, but while we know today that these...
Fungus vs. Fungus: Newly Identified Yeast Might Prevent Life-Threatening Fungal Infections
Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science have identified a yeast that might be used to prevent invasive candidiasis, a major cause of death in hospitalised and immunocompromised patients. The...
Toward a Treatment for Huntington’s Disease
Weizmann Institute of Science scientists have discovered two small molecules that can cross the blood-brain barrier in mice, slowing and even reversing the effects of Huntington’s, which is incurable. The...
Proteins without Parents
Using three AI protein prediction tools, a Chinese-Israeli study at the Weizmann Institute of Science uncovered new wrinkles in the folding story of ‘orphan’ proteins. When Weizmann Professors Joel Sussman...
There’s a New Hypothesis on Your Hypophysis
A new Weizmann Institute of Science study challenges an old dogma regarding the pituitary gland’s embryonic origins and may lead to new insights into growth hormone deficiency and other pituitary...
Standing United: When Immune Cells Join Forces, Cancer Therapy Is More Effective
A new kind of immunotherapy, based on crosstalk between different immune cells, could pave the way for innovative treatments of cancer and autoimmune diseases Winning on the battlefield takes a...
Evolutionary Safety First
Weizmann Institute of Science researchers have now called for a new kind of test to ensure evolutionary safety of future drugs. How many mutations do we need to improve our...
Tears without Fears: Sniffing Women’s Tears Reduces Aggression in Men
New research from the Weizmann Institute of Science shows that exposure to tears activates human smell receptors and alters aggression-related circuits in the brain. All land mammals have tear glands...
Why People with Diabetes Are More Prone to Respiratory Risk
A new study from the Weizmann Institute of Science reveals how high blood sugar makes lung infections worse and the findings may lead to a strategy for reversing this susceptibility....
When Dryness Intrudes, Floods Ensue
New findings from the Weizmann Institute of Science may improve flood warnings for millions living on the Indian subcontinent. In 2018, in the Indian state of Kerala, more than 400...
Unlocking a Secret Nerve Cell Regenerator
New research from the Weizmann Institute of Science reveals that a protein facilitating nerve cell repair in the peripheral nervous system might one day point to treatments for neurodegenerative diseases....
Traces of Trauma in the Young Brain – and How to Erase Them
Weizmann Institute of Science researchers have revealed in mice how exposure to trauma in infancy alters the brain; they show that early treatment to reverse these changes is vital for...
Newly Discovered Autoimmune Disorder Disrupts Tooth Enamel Development
A new study lead by the Weizmann Institute of Science shows that celiac disease in children might be associated with sensitivity to a protein abundant in dairy products. The new...
The Solar Forest
A new Weizmann Institute study shows that building solar farms in arid regions is a far more effective way to tackle the climate crisis than planting forests. A verdant forest...
An open-access format for drug discovery is helping design medications against potential viral threats
An international crowd-sourced campaign to discover an anti-COVID-19 drug has created a blueprint for the accelerated, patent-free development of drugs to treat viral threats to humanity. The results of the...
Synthetic human embryo models up to 14 days old grown from stem cells in Weizmann Lab
A research team headed by Professor Jacob Hanna at the Weizmann Institute of Science has created complete models of human embryos from stem cells cultured in the lab – and...
Surviving on an Empty Battery
A newly discovered immune strategy by researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science protects bacteria and more advanced species, from corals to bees. Every time we make a call, send...
A ‘Jupiter’ Hotter than the Sun
A newly discovered binary celestial system via special data analysis led by the Weizmann Institute of Science, may advance our understanding of planet and star evolution under extreme conditions. The...
A Select Group: Study May Bring Improved Therapy to Preselected Lung Cancer Patients
Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science have identified a biomarker that may one day enable a subgroup of lung cancer patients to benefit from relapse-free treatment. Non-smokers who develop...
Vive la Différence: Brain Cells of Males and Females Respond Differently to Chronic Stress
A new study in mice could pave the way to personalised therapy for depression, anxiety and other stress-related disorders known to produce different effects on men and women. Scientific excellence...